Poetic graffito

[---]si tangere possem
[---]entur aquas

Translation: my darling (...) if I were able to touch (passive verb here...) waters
Findspot: Herculaneum, House of the Two Atria (VI.29)
Language: Latin
Writing Style: charcoal
Apparatus Criticus: Textus et mensurae secundum (1), periit (2).
Contulerunt sed non invenerunt Benefiel, Gibson, Hardy, Minnear, Smith, Sypniewski (HGP) a. 2016.
Bibliography: CIL 04, 10610 (1)
Zeitschr. Pap. Ep., 62, 1986, p. 49 sg. (W. Lebek) (2)
S. Busch, Versus Balnearum, Stuttgart 1999, p. 548 sgg. (3)
Stud. Philol. Val. 11, 2008, p. 63 sgg. (P. Cugusi) (4)
http://ancientgraffiti.org/Graffiti/graffito/AGP-EDR152930 (5)
Link to EDR: #EDR152930
Suggested Citation: AGP-EDR152930, The Ancient Graffiti Project, <https://ancientgraffiti.org/Graffiti/graffito/AGP-EDR152930> [accessed: 22 Oct 2024]

Editor: Rebecca Benefiel

Principal Contributor: Holly Sypniewski

Last Revision: 2020-06-24
