Epigraphic Conventions

The Ancient Graffiti Project uses the epigraphic conventions established by the Epigraphic Database Roma (EDR), which are based on the Krummrey Panciera 1980 system.

[abc]Letters once present, now missing due to damage to the surface or support
[ – – – ]Damage to the surface or support; letters cannot be restored with certainty
a(bc)Abbreviation; text was never written out; expanded by editor
âbcLetters joined in ligature, each letter that is joined to the next letter is indicated by a caret
[[abc]]Letters intentionally erased in antiquity
ABCLetters whose reading is clear but meaning is incomprehensible
ạḅCharacters damaged or unclear that would be unintelligible without context
+Illegible/unclear character
abcCharacters formerly visible, now missing
((:abc))Description of a figural graffito (used by EDR and AGP)
(:abc)Standard spelling to explain non-standard text in an inscription (used by EDR and AGP)
〈:abc〉Explanation of editor, either subaudible word or regarding layout of the text, e.g.〈:col. I〉 (used by EDR and AGP)
((abc))Symbol, e.g., ((denarius)) or ((centurio)), or reversed letter
– – – – –Lost lines, quantity unknown
?Represents Uncertainty