Drawing of a man

((:vir ad sin. prospiciens))

Description of Drawing (English) man facing left
Findspot Herculaneum, House of the Wooden Shrine (V.31)
Drawing Category Human figures
Writing Style Graffito/incised
Apparatus Criticus v. 1: un profilo virile a sin. (1), viri imago (2), Büste (3)
Prope EDR140167, EDR140169, EDR140175, EDR140178
Bibliography Rend. Ac. Arch. Nap., 33, 1958, p. 268, nr. 353 (M. Della Corte) (1)
CIL 04, 10586 (nota) (2)
M. Langner, Antike Graffitizeichnungen: Motive, Gestaltung und Bedeutung. Wiesbaden 2001, n. 486 (Büste) (3)
http://ancientgraffiti.org/Graffiti/graffito/AGP-EDR145296 (4)
Link to EDR #EDR145296
Suggested Citation AGP-EDR145296, The Ancient Graffiti Project, <https://ancientgraffiti.org/Graffiti/graffito/AGP-EDR145296> [accessed: 26 Mar 2025]

Editor: Rebecca Benefiel

Principal Contributor: Mary Beth Smith

Last Revision: 2017-06-22

More info Trismegistos: 698160
