Appointment calendar

XII K(alendas) Ian(uarias)
Primus Felix
XI Ḳ(alendas)
X K(alendas) Felix
IX K(alendas) Felix
IIX K(alendas)
VII K(alendas) II[- - -]

Translation: Twelve days before the Kalends of January, Primus Felix. Eleven days before the Kalends (of January), Germanus. Ten days before the Kalends (of January) Felix. Nine days before the Kalends (of January), Felix. Eight days before the Kalends (of January), Germanus. Seven days before the Kalends (of January?), Germanus
Findspot: Pompeii, Casa degli Epigrammi (V.1.18)
Language: Latin
Writing Style: Graffito/incised
Apparatus Criticus: Textus secundum (1).
v. 1: vel mensis Ian(uarias) vel nomen Ian(uarius).
v. 1: alt. 2,0 cm.
v. 3: scriptum XI E (1), sed XI K(alendas) esse debet
vv. 6-7: nomen FELIX scriptum ad dextram, inter haec duae lineae
Supra EDR168350 et EDR168352 et EDR168353.
sinistram EDR168354.
Felix et Germanus etiam in EDR168160 nominantur.
Bibliography: CIL 04, 04045 (1) (2)
Link to EDR: #EDR168161
Suggested Citation: AGP-EDR168161, The Ancient Graffiti Project, <> [accessed: 14 Mar 2025]

Editor: Rebecca Benefiel

Principal Contributor: Karin Lundqvist

Last Revision: 2018-07-16
