Drawing of a bird


Description of Drawing (English): bird
Findspot: Smyrna, Basilica (Agora.1)
Drawing Category: Animals
Writing Style: charcoal
  • Graffito Height: 82
  • Graffito Length: 49
Bibliography: Bagnall, R. S. et al., Graffiti from the Basilica in the Agora of Smyrna (2016): 402.
Commentary: Damaged and faded dipinto of a heron, located on the western face of Pier A84. The bird, in profile and turned to the left, is drawn with evident attention for anatomical detailing and realistic proportions. It has extremely elongated and thin legs (the right one mostly faded), which are rendered in thick curved lines terminating in tripartite claws. The bird’s neck and head have almost completely disappeared, as has the bird’s rear. Clearly visible are the breast and the back, decorated with a carefully drawn motif of leaf-shaped feathers, each finished by short internal streaks. The head is missing.
Suggested Citation: AGP-SMYDP0841, The Ancient Graffiti Project, <https://ancientgraffiti.org/Graffiti/graffito/AGP-SMYDP0841> [accessed: 15 Jan 2025]

Editor: Roger S. Bagnall

Principal Contributor: Roger S. Bagnall

Last Revision: 2016-10-03