Drawing of a phallus


Description of Drawing (English): phallus
Findspot: Smyrna, Basilica (Agora.1)
Drawing Category: Erotic images
Writing Style: charcoal
  • Graffito Height: 27
  • Graffito Length: 25
Bibliography: Bagnall, R. S. et al., Graffiti from the Basilica in the Agora of Smyrna (2016): 254.
Commentary: Dipinto of a male sexual organ, located in the upper left quadrant of the back wall of Bay 25. The graffito is damaged by the large gap in the plaster that affects most of the wall’s surface. Additionally, parts of the outline are illegible due to fading. Of the original graffito, the two testicles, placed right below a face in profile (D25.4) are still clearly identifiable. Both are oval in shape: the left one is smaller, while the right one is larger and points downward toward the right. The corpus of the penis, noticeably larger, follows the same orientation, also pointing downward. Its right end is damaged by the loss of plaster.
Suggested Citation: AGP-SMYD00253, The Ancient Graffiti Project, <http://ancientgraffiti.org/Graffiti/graffito/AGP-SMYD00253> [accessed: 26 Jul 2024]

Editor: Roger S. Bagnall

Principal Contributor: Roger S. Bagnall

Last Revision: 2016-10-03