Drawing of a face

((:caput hominis))

Description of Drawing (English): head of person
Findspot: Smyrna, Basilica (Agora.1)
Drawing Category: Human figures
Writing Style: charcoal
  • Graffito Height: 17
  • Graffito Length: 19
Bibliography: Bagnall, R. S. et al., Graffiti from the Basilica in the Agora of Smyrna (2016): 257.
Commentary: Dipinto of a human head, located in the upper right quadrant of the back wall of Bay 25. Some of the lines in this graffito are almost completely faded. However, it is still possible to recognize a head portrayed as fully frontal and covered by a gladiator’s helmet. Considering that the surface of the helmet is depicted as plain and smooth, that two eye holes are the only elements outlined, and that the helmet’s flanges reach down to cover the neck, it is conceivable to interpret the graffito as the picture of a secutor. This dipinto is most probably related to the inscription T25.4.
Suggested Citation: AGP-SMYD00256, The Ancient Graffiti Project, <http://ancientgraffiti.org/Graffiti/graffito/AGP-SMYD00256> [accessed: 26 Jul 2024]

Editor: Roger S. Bagnall

Principal Contributor: Roger S. Bagnall

Last Revision: 2016-10-03