Quotation from the Aeneid
age nate
vocas Ze=
pirios (:Zephyros)
Translation: | Come on, son, {you} call the west winds |
Findspot: |
Pompeii, Campus ad amphitheatrum
Precise Location: | col. CVI, stria 3 |
Language: | Latin |
Writing Style: | Graffito/incised |
Apparatus Criticus: | Textus secundum (3), mensurae secundum (11). Contulerunt Zimmermann Damer, Sypniewski, et Benefiel a. 2019 (AGP). vv. 1-4: cf. Verg. Aen. IV 223: Vade age, nate, voca, Zephyros et labere pennis v. 3-4: ZEPIRIOS pro ZEPHYROS In eadem columna EDR167731, EDR167732, EDR167733, EDR167867, EDR167868, EDR167869, EDR167870, EDR167871, EDR167872, EDR167873, EDR167874, EDR167875, EDR167876, EDR167709, EDR168237, EDR167879, EDR167880 |
Bibliography: | Not. Sc., 64, 1939, p. 294, nr. 337 e p. 293 con apografo (1) Epigraphica 2, 1940, p. 177 (M. della Corte) (2) CIL 04, 08768 (3) R. P. Hoogma, Der Einfluß Vergils auf die Carmina Latina Epigraphica, Amsterdam 1959, p. 258 (4) Class. Journ. 92.2, 1996, p. 181 con apografo (J. Franklin) (5) Boll. Stud. Lat. 38, 2008, p. 485, 522 (P. Cugusi) (6) Ancient Literacies: The Culture of Reading in Greece and Rome, Oxford 2009, p. 314 nr. 43 (K. Milnor) (7) A. Varone, Titulorum graphio exaratorum qui in CIL vol. IV collecti sunt, Imagines, Roma 2012, vol. I, p. 183, con foto e vol. II, p. 524 con apografo (8) K. Milnor, Graffiti and the Literary Landscape of Roman Pompeii, Oxford 2014, p. 268-69 (9) A. Spal, Poesie-Erotik-Witz, Berlin 2016, p. 50 (10) http://ancientgraffiti.org/Graffiti/graffito/AGP-EDR160313 (11) |
Link to EDR: | #EDR160313 |
Suggested Citation: | AGP-EDR160313, The Ancient Graffiti Project, <https://ancientgraffiti.org/Graffiti/graffito/AGP-EDR160313> [accessed: 18 Feb 2025] |
Contributions: |
Editor: Rebecca Benefiel Principal Contributor: Holly Sypniewski Contributors: E. Zimmermann Damer, C. Creamer, M. Holcomb, M. P. Lewis, J. Rach Last Revision: 2022-05-20 |