Drawing with text

((:Palma est posita inter verba et omnia scuto cum hastis inclusa sunt))
ΒΑΧΧΙS (:Bacchis) ΔΟΜΝΑ (:domina)

Translation: Bacchis (is) in charge
Description of Drawing (English): ((:palm branch and the words ΒΑΧΧΙS ΔΟΜΝΑ placed within the drawing of a shield and spears))
Findspot: Pompeii, (Unnamed) (VIII.6.4)
Drawing Category: Plants
Language: Latin/Greek
Writing Style: Graffito/incised
Apparatus Criticus: Textus secundum (5) et mensura secundum (3). Periit (4).
v.1: BAṬRIS (1), LATRIS (2), apographum sine transcriptione datur (3).
Potestne intellegi nomen Bacchis pro Baxxis? Itaque Bacchis est domina. Nomen Bacchis (CIL 04, 08238) Pompeiis est inventa. (5)
Tres Greco-Latini tituli (EDR175854, EDR 175855, EDR175859) in hoc aedificio sunt (5).
Bibliography: Not. Sc., 1884, p. 397, (A. Sogliano) (1)
Mitt. Deutsch. Arch. Inst. (Roemisch.), 1886, p. 144 (A. Mau) (2)
CIL 04, 04950 con apografo (3)
M. Langner, Antike Graffitizeichnungen: Motive, Gestaltung und Bedeutung, Wiesbaden 2001, n. 27 (Buchstabenornament) (4)
http://ancientgraffiti.org/Graffiti/graffito/AGP-EDR175859 (5)
Link to EDR: #EDR175859
Suggested Citation: AGP-EDR175859, The Ancient Graffiti Project, <https://ancientgraffiti.org/Graffiti/graffito/AGP-EDR175859> [accessed: 10 Sep 2024]
