Drawing of a person

((:figura hominis currens ad dex.))

Description of Drawing (English): ((:figure running to the right))
Findspot: Pompeii, Terme del Sarno (VIII.2.17-23)
Drawing Category: Human figures
Writing Style: Graffito/incised
Apparatus Criticus: Textus secundum (1)(2), mensurae secundum (1).
Strichmännchen (2).
Sunt tres similes figurae currentes proximae (EDR176280, EDR176281, EDR176283) huic.
There seems to be no doubt that these stick men (complete with antennae and bound together by a rope (?) -- cf. the pygmies from the Sarno frigidarium) were drawn by children. (1)
Locus inventionis: VIII.2.17 (2). Totum aedificium, Terme del Sarno, continet VIII.2.17-23 et multos ingressus habet.
Bibliography: A. Koloski-Ostrow, Sarno Bath Complex, Roma 1990, p.59. (1)
M. Langner, Antike Graffitizeichnungen: Motive, Gestaltung und Bedeutung. Wiesbaden 2001, n.731 (Laufende Figur) (2)
http://ancientgraffiti.org/Graffiti/graffito/AGP-EDR176284 (3)
Link to EDR: #EDR176284
Suggested Citation: AGP-EDR176284, The Ancient Graffiti Project, <https://ancientgraffiti.org/Graffiti/graffito/AGP-EDR176284> [accessed: 14 Mar 2025]

Editor: Rebecca Benefiel

Principal Contributor: Matthew Panciera

Last Revision: 2021-08-06
