A digital resource for studying the graffiti of Herculaneum and Pompeii
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Graffito: | M̂ansi solus x (:ex) s(enatus) c(onsulto) |
Translation: | I remained alone by decree of the senate |
City: | Herculaneum |
Findspot: | House of Wattlework (III.14) |
CIL: | 10501 |
Graffito: | Ηdibus (:Idibus) Ianyaris (:Ianuarias) |
Translation: | On the Ides of January, the guide (religious guide?) teaching Gebeus(?) and Etoe(?) (neither name is otherwise known) (...other letters here...) |
City: | Herculaneum |
Findspot: | House of Wattlework (III.14) |
CIL: | 10499 |
Graffito: | Ex se[na]tu (:senatus) con= |
Translation: | By decree of the senate (... other letters here...), I remained alone |
City: | Herculaneum |
Findspot: | House of Wattlework (III.14) |
CIL: | 10503 |
Graffito: | Vasileus habitat |
Translation: | Vasileus lives at Puteoli in the camp of the emperor under (the command of) Valerius |
City: | Herculaneum |
Findspot: | House of Wattlework (III.14) |
CIL: | 10502 |
Graffito: | Lagunas (:lagoenas) |
Translation: | Flasks |
City: | Herculaneum |
Findspot: | House of Wattlework (III.14) |
CIL: | 10500 |