Graffito mentioning professions
Quam mita (?) vis (?) · Pastores ateque (:atque) · Caste monit erga pugiles (?).
Translation: | How soft is violence? Shepherds too. Chastely, he warns (him?) regarding the boxers. |
Findspot: |
Herculaneum, Ramp
Language: | Latin |
Writing Style: | Graffito/incised |
Apparatus Criticus: | Textus secundum (1). Contulerunt Loar, Sypniewski, Dillard, King (HGP) a. 2016. v. 1: II pro E scriptum v. 1: pro PASTORES, fortasse CASTALES vel CASTORES; VIS, ERGA, PVGILES dubiae sunt lectionis (2). Prope EDR140979, EDR154429, EDR154430, EDR154431, EDR154432, EDR154433, EDR154434, EDR140982, EDR140983, EDR140986, EDR154537 |
Bibliography: | Rend. Ac. Arch. Nap., 33, 1958, p. 303, nr. 810, tab. IV (M. Della Corte) (1) CIL 04, 10695 con apografo (2) A. Varone, Titulorum graphio exaratorum qui in CIL vol. IV collecti sunt Imagines, Roma 2012, vol. II, p. 512, con foto (3) (4) |
Link to EDR: | #EDR140980 |
Suggested Citation: | AGP-EDR140980, The Ancient Graffiti Project, <> [accessed: 22 Feb 2025] |
Contributions: |
Editor: Rebecca Benefiel Principal Contributor: Kyle Helms Last Revision: 2017-08-08 |