〈:columna I〉
〈:columna II〉
Translation: | To the bear, to the bear |
Findspot: |
Herculaneum, Ramp
Language: | Latin |
Writing Style: | Graffito/incised |
Apparatus Criticus: | Textus secundum (1), contulerunt et mensuras prehenderunt Loar, Benefiel, Dillard, King (HGP) a. 2016. Columna I, sin., inferior: alt.: 11,1; lat.: 11,9; litt. alt.: 1,6-5,5 Columna II, dext., superior: alt.: 11,2; lat.: 5,2; litt. alt.: 1,4-10,2 Columna II, dext., superior: apud A. Varone (Titulorum graphio exaratorum qui in CIL vol. IV collecti sunt Imagines, Roma 2012, vol. II, p. 511, con foto) sub titulo 10687 (EDR154373) editum est. Prope EDR140979, EDR154429, EDR154430, EDR154431, EDR154432, EDR154433, EDR154434, EDR140980, EDR140982, EDR140983, EDR154537 |
Bibliography: | CIL 04, 10698 (1) (2) |
Link to EDR: | #EDR140986 |
Suggested Citation: | AGP-EDR140986, The Ancient Graffiti Project, <> [accessed: 22 Feb 2025] |
Contributions: |
Editor: Rebecca Benefiel Principal Contributors: Rebecca Benefiel, Kyle Helms Last Revision: 2019-06-14 |