Ancient Site


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Insula IX.14+
Villa San Marco+
Villa Arianna+

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Drawing Category

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    Drawing of a head


    ((:caput acutum cum nasone longo et corona, gryllus?))

    Description of Drawing (English): pointed head with long nose and garland wreath, caricature?
    City: Herculaneum
    Findspot: Terme Suburbane (VII.16.a)
    CIL: 10676
    Drawing Category: Human figures

    Graffito about leisure


    Duo sodales hic fuerunt, et, cum diu malum
    ministrum in omnia haberent
    nomine Epaphroditum, vix tarde
    eum foras exigerunt (:exegerunt).
    Consumpserunt persuavissime cum fu`tu´ere ((sestertii)) CVS

    Translation: Two friends were here, and they had a servant named Epaphroditus who was terrible at everything for the whole time, so they finally kicked him out. (Then?) they spent 105 1/2 sestertii most delightfully when they had sex.
    City: Herculaneum
    Findspot: Terme Suburbane (VII.16.a)
    CIL: 10675

    Roman numerals



    Translation: 12
    City: Herculaneum
    Findspot: Terme Suburbane (VII.16.a)
    CIL: 10682

    Graffito giving directions


    Hermeros Prìmigeniae dominae:
    venì Puteolos in vìco Tyaniano et quaere
    a Messio numulario(:nummulario) Hermerotem Phoebì

    Translation: Hermeros to his mistress Primigenia: come to Puteoli in the Tyanian street and ask from Messius, the money lender, for Hermeros (slave) of Phoebus.
    City: Herculaneum
    Findspot: Terme Suburbane (VII.16.a)
    CIL: 10676

    Graffito naming Euhodus



    Translation: Euhodus
    City: Herculaneum
    Findspot: Terme Suburbane (VII.16.a)
    CIL: 10679



    Mortus (:Mortuus)
    Ercolanius (:Hercolanius)

    Translation: Hercolanius is dead.
    City: Herculaneum
    Findspot: Terme Suburbane (VII.16.a)
    CIL: Varone 2000

    Graffito naming Cilix


    [F]usci Cilix

    Translation: Cilix, (slave) of Fuscus. Cilix.
    City: Herculaneum
    Findspot: Terme Suburbane (VII.16.a)
    CIL: 10681



    Nuc (:nuces?) 〈:vacat〉 biber(es) XIIII (assibus)
    Singa (:singula) III
    Panem III 〈:vacat〉 LI (assibus)
    Orrellas (:ofellas) III 〈:vacat〉 XII (assibus)
    Thymatla (:thymatula) IIII 〈:vacat〉 VIII (assibus)

    Translation: nuts, drinks(?) - 14 (small coins, probably - this number appears to be the price); pork rinds - 3; three (loaves of) bread - 51; three cutlets - 12; four thyme-flavored sausages - 8
    City: Herculaneum
    Findspot: Terme Suburbane (VII.16.a)
    CIL: 10674



    Mortus (:Mortuus)
    Sumpo(rus) (:Symphorus)

    Translation: Symphorus is dead
    City: Herculaneum
    Findspot: Terme Suburbane (VII.16.a)
    CIL: 10680



    Mortus (:Mortuus)
    Deii (:Deius)

    Translation: Deii(us) is dead(?).
    City: Herculaneum
    Findspot: Terme Suburbane (VII.16.a)
    CIL: Varone 2000

    Graffito mentioning a date


    VIII k(alendas) Iulias

    Translation: Eight days before the Kalends of July
    City: Herculaneum
    Findspot: Terme Suburbane (VII.16.a)
    CIL: 10683

    Erotic graffito


    Apelles cubicularius
    cum Dextro Caesar(is)
    pranderunt hic
    iucundissime et
    futuere (:futuerunt) simul.

    Translation: Apelles, the bedroom attendant, with Dexter, (slave) of Caesar, ate lunch here most agreeably and also had sex.
    City: Herculaneum
    Findspot: Terme Suburbane (VII.16.a)
    CIL: 10677

    Erotic graffito


    Apelles Mus cum fratre Dextro
    amabiliter futuimus bis
    bina (:binas)

    Translation: Apelles Mus (was here) with his brother Dexter. We had a great time (literally, lovingly had intercourse), twice with two girls.
    City: Herculaneum
    Findspot: Terme Suburbane (VII.16.a)
    CIL: 10678