Graffito about leisure
Duo sodales hic fuerunt, et, cum diu malum
ministrum in omnia haberent
nomine Epaphroditum, vix tarde
eum foras exigerunt (:exegerunt).
Consumpserunt persuavissime cum fu`tu´ere ((sestertii)) CVS
Translation | Two friends were here, and they had a servant named Epaphroditus who was terrible at everything for the whole time, so they finally kicked him out. (Then?) they spent 105 1/2 sestertii most delightfully when they had sex. |
Findspot |
Herculaneum, Terme Suburbane
Language | Latin |
Writing Style | Graffito/incised |
Apparatus Criticus | Textus et mensura secundum (1) v. 4: EXIGERUNT pro EXEGERUNT scriptum Prope EDR154177, EDR102191, EDR144357, EDR143636, EDR154185, EDR154186, EDR154189, EDR154190 |
Bibliography | CIL 04, 10675 con apografo (1) J. Deiss, Herculaneum, Italy's Buried Treasure, Malibu 1989, p. 146 sg. (2) J. N. Adams, The Latin Sexual Vocabulary, London 1990, p. 120 (3) M. Peachin, The Oxford Handbook of Social Relations in the Roman World. Oxford 2011, p. 366 (G. Fagan) (4) A. Varone, Titulorum graphio exaratorum qui in CIL vol. IV collecti sunt, Imagines, Roma 2012, vol. II, p. 509 sg., con foto (5) A. Cooley and M. Cooley, Pompeii and Herculaneum: a Sourcebook (2 ed.), New York 2014, p. 116, nr. D126 (6) (7) |
Link to EDR | #EDR154179 |
Suggested Citation | AGP-EDR154179, The Ancient Graffiti Project, <> [accessed: 26 Mar 2025] |
Contributions |
Editor: Rebecca Benefiel Principal Contributor: Holly Sypniewski Last Revision: 2017-08-09 |